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Main » Articles » The Community Spot Light!

The Community Spot Light and How it Works!

The Community Spot Light is an idea I had in mind when creating this website. I couldn't help but feel like it needed something that would bring our small community together. My biggest wish is to have all of our members feel like they are apart of something grand. So, each month I want to shed some light on a community member and their art form. It could be it a short story they've created, a painting, or a different artistic medium I've never seen before. Either way I want to bring what you've done to the foreground for the whole guild to see. 

Now, of course I don't know you as well as I'd like and with time I hope to see that change. Our Community Spot Light can't exist if our wonderful members don't participate by sending in submissions. Since I'm new to this I'd love for the community to help as well by recommending individuals who they believe should be spot lighted. Once the member has been decided on we will require an interview process so that an article could be written so we can get to know you. Then of course we will put up a piece of your artwork, story, or any other form of art for the community to see. 

However, if you aren't chosen don't feel discouraged. I'd like to do this monthly but until we get more members that will build a community we'll have to set it on the back burner. 

I look forward to everyone participation!


Category: The Community Spot Light! | Added by: Sayuri (10.October.2012)
Views: 474
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